
联邦法规要求各机构监督财政援助受助人的学业进展. Grand Valley's 学业进展满意(SAP) policy is to provide financial aid to students capable of remaining in good academic standing and who make adequate progress toward a degree.  保持获得财政援助资格所需的足够学业进步的定义如下.

使用我们的 GPA计算器 确定维持经济援助资格所需的最低成绩.

您可以登录myBanner查看您的SAP状态, select Financial Aid > Eligibility > Academic Progress.

条款 & 条件


  • 保持最少1个.完成0-24学分的GVSU累计GPA为5
  • 保持最少1个.完成25-54学分的GVSU累计GPA为8
  • 保持最少2个.GVSU累计GPA为0,完成55+学分
  • 完成并通过至少 2/3 of all attempted 学时(只包括每学期100%减课/增课结束时注册的学分)*
  • Complete all degree requirements within 150% of the minimum number of credit hours required to graduate (based on 120 credit hours required to graduate x 1.5 = 180尝试累计学时


  • 保持2分.GVSU累计GPA为0
  • 完成并通过所有尝试的至少2/3 学时(只包括每学期100%减课/增课结束时注册的学分)*
  • 完成所有后续本科学位要求在270尝试累计学分
    • 另外90个学分将被允许用于随后的本科学位. 第一个学士学位的学生不得超过180个累计学分, 哪些是获得本科学位最低要求的150%.


  • 保持3分.GVSU累计GPA为0
  • 完成并通过至少 2/3 of all attempted credit hours as a graduate student (will include only credits enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop/add period each semester)*
  • Complete all degree requirements within 150% of the minimum number of credit hours required to graduate (based on 60 credit hours required to graduate x 1.5 = 90尝试累计学时)


  • 保持3分.GVSU累计GPA为0.
  • Must complete and pass a minimum of 2/3 of all attempted credit hours as a doctoral student (will include only credits enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop/add period each semester)*
  • Complete all degree requirements within 150% of the minimum number of credit hours required to graduate (based on 120 credit hours required to graduate x 1.5 = 180尝试累计学时

*请注意: 所有学生, 以下内容将被视为尝试时间, 但不被视为成功修满的学分:

  • “F”——不及格
  • “I”——未完成
  • “W”——取款
  • “NC”——没有信用
  • “X”——递延


  • 不符合SAP资格要求的学生将被置于SAP财务援助警告中 一个学期.  学生在SAP合格状态后会收到警告状态.
  • If a student is unable to regain eligibility by meeting the minimum SAP requirements after 一个学期 (while on warning status), 他们可以选择完成 学业进步申诉表格. All appeal forms should be turned in to the financial aid office by the last day of the fourth week of classes to allow the committee time to review the request prior to the end of the drop/add period of the semester which the appeal is being requested. 该表格可在经济援助网站上获得.  学生必须提交表格, 学术计划(myPath), 以及一份解释该学生未能达到要求的声明, 这个学生为了成功采取了哪些步骤, 以及学生对未来的目标.
  • 学生可因亲属死亡而提出上诉, 学生受伤或生病, 或者其他特殊情况.
  • 如果上诉被批准,学生将获得SAP的经济援助试用期 一个学期 并完成术语(如定义中所列). 在学期结束时, 财政援助将审查学生,以确定下一学期的资格.
  • 如果学生在一个学期的试用期内无法重新获得整体资格, but were able to meet the requirements of their SAP probation status they will automatically be placed on an Academic Plan status and their eligibility will be reviewed at the end of each semester to ensure that they are meeting the requirements of their academic plan. 而在学术计划状态下,学生将被要求获得2.5个学期的GPA或者2个.累积绩点(i ..e. 3.0 Semester GPA or cumulative GPA for Graduate/Doctoral) and successfully complete all enrolled credits (will include only credits enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop/add period each semester). 在每学期结束时,学生将被审查,以确定是否有资格进入下一学期.
  • If students were unable to meet overall eligibility or the minimum requirements of their Probation or Academic Plan status they will not be eligible to receive aid for subsequent semesters without an additional appeal, which may require a meeting with a financial aid administrator who will determine the appropriate course of action to assist the student in determining how to successfully meet SAP requirements.
  • If an appeal is denied students may regain financial aid eligibility by taking courses and achieving the minimum SAP requirements at their own expense or taking classes at another institution and transferring them successfully.


  • 学业进展满意(SAP) — 学业进展满意(SAP) are federally regulated requirements which specify the minimum cumulative GPA and completion rate a student must maintain to qualify for federal financial aid funds.  每学期结束的时候, 学生将被审查,以确保他们保持获得经济援助的资格.
  • SAP警告状态 -不符合SAP要求的学生将被给予警告状态码以允许他们 一个学期 to regain eligibility by meeting the minimum cumulative GPA and completion rate requirements listed under 条款 and 条件. 学生只有在符合SAP资格状态后才会被给予警告状态.
  • SAP不合格状态 -不能达到和保持最低总体SAP标准的学生没有资格获得经济援助.  此状态也适用于无法满足SAP试用期或学术计划条款的学生. 
  • SAP试用状态 — Students that were placed on a SAP warning status that were unable to meet the minimum requirements will be given the option of appealing to the SAP Appeals Committee to request an exception to receive financial aid for 一个额外的学期. 在试用期间,学生必须满足以下要求才能保持经济援助资格:
    • 本科生 & 第二名本科生
      1. 获得2分.5个学期的GPA或者2个.0累积绩点
      2. Successfully complete all enrolled credits with a passing grade (will include only credits enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop/add period each semester).
    • 研究生 & 博士生
      1. 获得3分.0个学期的平均成绩或者3分.0累积绩点
      2. Successfully complete all enrolled credits with a passing grade (will include only credits enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop/add period each semester).
  • 学术计划状态 — Students unable to regain and meet overall SAP standards after having been on Warning and Probation status may be placed in an Academic Plan status.  学术计划旨在支持和鼓励学生成功地取得学位, 并且可以满足:
    • 本科生 & 第二届本科生
      1. 获得2分.5个学期的GPA或者2个.0累积绩点
      2. Successfully complete all enrolled credits with a passing grade (will include only credits enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop/add period each semester).
    • 研究生 & 博士生
      1. 获得3分.0个学期的平均成绩或者3分.0累积绩点
      2. Successfully complete all enrolled credits with a passing grade (will include only credits enrolled in at the end of the 100% drop/add period each semester).

根据SAP上诉委员会的裁量权, students who have had continuous struggles with regaining and maintaining the minimum overall SAP standards may have an individualized Academic Plan created which outlines additional requirements that must also be met. 个人学术计划将被记录下来,并由学生和财政援助管理员同意.  Students placed in an Academic Plan status will be reviewed each semester to ensure they are meeting the requirements of their Academic Plan.  如果学生不能达到学术计划的最低要求,他们将没有资格获得经济援助.

政策规定 & 信息

  • SAP will be determined at the end of each semester for all enrolled students regardless of whether or not financial aid was received.
  • Students repeating courses may be eligible for financial aid; however, 重复的课程增加了总尝试时间, 但不要增加完成的学分总数.
  • 所有的课程, 包括未完成的学分, 重复的学分, 补习学分以完成率为衡量标准.
  • Credit hours earned by testing or other non-standard means will be included in the maximum timeframe calculation of 150% required for undergraduate, 研究生和博士生.
  • All credit hours attempted through international programs and through concurrent enrollment agreements count in the SAP calculation.
  • 如果学生通知财政援助办公室 & 上学期课程成绩有追溯性改变的奖学金, 我们将根据最新的成绩信息对学生的SAP状态进行审查.
  • 如果学生选择双学位, 一次完成一个以上学位, 或者开始攻读学位,然后换专业, 所有以前上过的课程仍将用于SAP的评估. Each time a degree is conferred the student’s SAP status resets and only classes taken from that point forward are included in SAP calculations.
  • Transfer credits accepted at GVSU are used to calculate the student’s remaining eligibility under the maximum time frame and included in the completion rate calculation. 在计算完成率时,GVSU接受的转学分被算作尝试学分和获得学分. 转学课程不用于计算GVSU累积GPA.

注:学术评审政策详见《博天堂官方》. 这些与之前讨论过的满足学业进步要求的经济援助是分开的,也是不同的.
