
Haak Betiem轻轻地用手指捧着他的iPhone,自豪地展示着 a family photo from 2017. It’s hard to miss the beaded bracelet 就像他的祖国南苏丹的国旗一样,装饰着他的衣服 right wrist. 

在照片中,Betiem和他的姐妹们——一群年轻人合影 逃离了暴行和苦难,在美联航找到了避难所 各国为国内流离失所者搭建营地,这是他们对他的要求 farewell on his journey to America. 

这趟旅程横跨两大洲,全长7300多英里 and an ocean reaches an important milestone on December 10.

A person's hands holds a phone showing a picture of people

动荡和动荡的生活将被赐予欢乐的时刻 当Betiem获得卫生管理硕士学位时 获得研究生院长学术卓越奖状. 

自8月以来,他一直在弗雷德频谱健康医院工作 和莉娜梅杰心脏中心,领导一个团队负责 sterilization of instruments and facilities.

“It means a lot to me to be graduating,” Betiem said. “Now I can show my real talent and skill I learned from GVSU. It’s like a dream come true. All I can do now is work hard to achieve that dream.” 

他作为儿童兵在苏丹残酷的内战中幸存了四年 war; 10 years at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya; and the targeted 在南方消灭了他的部落同胞——努尔人 Sudanese Civil War which began in 2013. 

“和平正在缓慢到来,但安全局势仍然很糟糕 countrywide,” Betiem said.

现在看来,南苏丹的冲突正在平息,这是全球性的 气候变暖和气候变化引发了大规模的洪水 在他的祖国,危及农田和延长饥荒. 南苏丹马耶迪特县90%的土地 home, is underwater, he said. 

“我想找到合作伙伴或与学术研究人员合作,找到一个 解决已经吞没我祖国的洪水。.

对Betiem来说,这是一段非凡的奥德赛,他活了下来,找到了一个 new life in the United States and eventually Michigan. 

“我曾作为哈克的顾问与他一起工作,这一直鼓舞着我 watch him encourage others, overcome barriers, and grow in 公共学院院长雷蒙德·希比亚说, Nonprofit, Health, Hospitality and Tourism Management. 

A person wearing a cap and gown has their hands in the air. 背景中的一座建筑上写着“大峡谷州立大学”的字样.
Haak Betiem's journey stretched more than 7,300 miles.

Betiem initially came to the United States as part of the Young African Leaders Initiative. Begun by the Obama administration in 2010, the program 将年轻的非洲学生和社区领袖带到美国 国家进一步教育或发展他们的领导能力.

在德克萨斯理工大学待了一段时间后,他的一个堂兄邀请他去住 her family in Grand Rapids. That’s when he found Grand Valley. 

“I like the way President (Philomena V.) Mantella talks, and she 明白经济背景有限的人应该得到 opportunities too,” Betiem said. “Her comments motivate me and keep me moving. 

“我的顾问,总统,每个人,他们都想确保这一点 everybody gets that opportunity, and that is amazing. They looked at me as a human being that deserves an opportunity.”

Betiem对他得到的这些机会深表感激. He did not know if they would ever happen. 

第二次苏丹内战使这个国家陷入了政治动乱 种族冲突给这里的风景和人民留下了创伤. The war 始于2013年12月,当时总统萨尔瓦·基尔指责他的前任 deputy and others of attempting a coup d’état.

这个国家的两个主要部落——努尔族和丁卡族——很快就变成了 entwined in the political unrest. As members of the Nuer, Betiem and 他的家人发现自己成了丁卡族领导的政府的目标.

Betiem向他和他的兄弟描述了一件令人痛心的事情 在基尔加强对主要城市的控制后不久, Juba. 忠于总统的人围捕并询问所有人 whom they deemed as sympathetic to the opposition’s cause. The three 男人和其他人被扔进地下监狱,几乎没有日光. 

“Even if it was noon, it was dark down there,” Betiem said. “At 晚上,他们会向人们发射一束光,让你抬头看 into the light. There were people they were specifically targeting. 他们会过来环顾四周,把他们抓出来杀了. We never saw those people again.”

Betiem幸存下来仅仅是因为他得到了官员的青睐 charge. Within a week, he was released. 

A person looks out the window at buildings.
Betiem在Fred和Lena Meijer心脏健康医院工作 中心,带队负责器械灭菌工作 and facilities.

尽管他面临着这么多,Betiem说他想回来 总有一天能帮助南苏丹的发展,和他在一起 家庭,尤其是他的三个儿子,他们都不到10岁. 他的三个儿子与他们的母亲、姐妹和其他家人住在一起 members in the safety of Uganda.

如果他回到南苏丹,他在GVSU的教育和他的 在卫生行政部门担任主管的时间将非常长 asset, he said.

“他们需要有医疗保健背景的人,”Betiem说. “I 能够帮助更多拥有这些技能的人,这就是 whole idea. If I choose to remain in the United States, that also is a 这是任何地方都需要的技能,因为我现在是必不可少的资产.”

“My time at Grand Valley has been very rewarding. I’ve made a lot of connections with people who will be my friends for life. It’s given me 接受博雅教育的机会,现在我准备好了 explore the world. I’m so grateful.” 

